- This is a small but feature full board from Sipeed:
30 GPIO pins
on-board NOR flash (16MB)
on-board Wi-Fi / BLE Antenna
microSD (SDHC)
USB Dual UART (BL702)
1.69in 280x240 display with CTP
Analog MEMS mic
Useful Links¶
Out of the Box¶
This board out of the box is flashed with a demo application in both the D0 and M0 cores. The touch screen will show the LVGL demo applications and both UARTs provide an interactive shell.
/dev/ttyUSB0 – D0 core
/dev/ttyUSB1 – M0 core
This is the console output for the D0:
Starting bl808 now....
Heap Info: 32701 KB @ [0x0x0000000050210940 ~ 0x0x0000000052200000]
[OS] Starting aos_loop_proc task...
[OS] Start c906 xram handle...
[OS] Starting OS Scheduler...
init ring:0,tx:0x0000000022020140,rx:0x0000000000000000
init ring:2,tx:0x0000000022021340,rx:0x0000000022020340
init ring:3,tx:0x0000000022022540,rx:0x0000000022022340
init ring:4,tx:0x0000000022022840,rx:0x0000000022022740
init ring:5,tx:0x0000000000000000,rx:0x0000000000000000
Init CLI with event Driven
chip_id: 181
proj_id: 0
fw_ver: 1
factory_id: 4
And for the M0:
Simple Malloc 5120
custom 0x0000
flash init 0
BLSP Boot2 start:Aug 25 2022,15:42:52
Group=1,CPU Count=3
Imgload not found
SBI not found
Kernel not found
Rootfs not found
DTB not found
Active PT:0,Age 0
MFG not found
entry ID 0 found
pass param addr 62057c00,len 4
pass param addr 62057c04,len 236
pass param addr 62057cf0,len 92
Boot start
Media boot main
R header from 00010000
ps_mode 0,efuse hbn_check_sign 0
group[0] offset 00011000 ,core[0] offset 00002000 bootentry 58000000
group[0],core[1] halt cpu 0
Counter value=5
mtimer clock freq:1000000
blog init set power on level 2, 2, 2.
[IRQ] Clearing and Disable all the pending IRQ...
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 278] [HAL] [BOOT2] Active Partition[149] consumed 596 Bytes
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 79] ======= PtTable_Config @0x5004177c=======
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 80] magicCode 0x54504642; version 0x0000; entryCnt 6; age 0; crc32 0xD9834983
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 86] idx type device activeIndex name Address[0] Address[1] Length[0] Length[1] age
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 88] [00] 16 0 0 Boot2 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000e000 0x00000000 0
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 88] [01] 00 0 0 FW 0x00010000 0x00000000 0x000f0000 0x00000000 0
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 88] [02] 02 0 0 D0FW 0x00100000 0x00000000 0x00200000 0x00000000 0
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 88] [03] 05 0 0 media 0x00300000 0x00000000 0x00c00000 0x00000000 0
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 88] [04] 11 0 0 unused 0x00f00000 0x00000000 0x00100000 0x00000000 0
[ 0][INFO: hal_boot2.c: 88] [05] 08 0 0 factory 0x00910000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0
[ 0][INFO: bl_flash.c: 170] ======= FlashCfg magiccode @0x22057c18=======
[ 0][INFO: bl_flash.c: 171] mid 0xEF
[ 0][INFO: bl_flash.c: 172] clkDelay 0x1
[ 0][INFO: bl_flash.c: 173] clkInvert 0x3F
[ 0][INFO: bl_flash.c: 174] sector size 4KBytes
[ 0][INFO: bl_flash.c: 175] page size 256Bytes
[ 0][INFO: bl_flash.c: 176] ---------------------------------------------------------------
[ 0][INFO: hal_board.c:1251] [MAIN] [BOARD] [FLASH] addr from partition is 00910000, ret is 0
[ 0][INFO: hal_board.c:1259] [MAIN] [BOARD] [XIP] addr from partition is 58900000, ret is 0
[ 0][ERROR: hal_board.c: 944] wifi NULL.
[ 0][ERROR: hal_board.c:1077] bt NULL.
Build Version: 8a40141
Build Date: Nov 12 2022
Build Time: 17:34:04
[OS] Starting aos_loop_proc task...
------------------TRNG TEST---------------------------------
**********TRNG TEST rand[5851f42d]**************
**********TRNG TEST rand[40b18ccf]**************
-------------------->>>>>>>> LWIP tcp_port 61737
[OS] Start e907 xram handle...
[OS] Starting OS Scheduler...
init ring:0,tx:0x00000000,rx:0x22020140
init ring:1,tx:0x00000000,rx:0x00000000
init ring:2,tx:0x22020340,rx:0x22021340
init ring:3,tx:0x22022340,rx:0x22022540
init ring:4,tx:0x22022740,rx:0x22022840
init ring:6,tx:0x00000000,rx:0x00000000
[MTD] >>>>>> Hanlde info Dump >>>>>>
name media
id 0
offset 0x00300000(3145728)
size 0x00c00000(12288Kbytes)
xip_addr 0x582f0000
[MTD] <<<<<< Hanlde info End <<<<<<
[ 2][BUF: bl_romfs.c: 135] 2d 72 6f 6d 31 66 73 2d 00 3a b5 50 e6 cb 22 22 72 6f 6d 20 36 33 36 30 66 62 30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 49 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 d1 ff ff 97 2e 00
[ 3][BUF: bl_romfs.c: 135] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Init CLI with event Driven
start aos loop...
[MTD] >>>>>> Hanlde info Dump >>>>>>
name D0FW
id 0
offset 0x00100000(1048576)
size 0x00200000(2048Kbytes)
xip_addr 0x580f0000
[MTD] <<<<<< Hanlde info End <<<<<<
D0FW addr:0x580f0000 size:0x200000
MM CPU select PLL--->MM CPU select 400Mhz
UART CLK select MM XCLK--->XCLK select XTAL
I2C CLK select MM XCLK--->XCLK select XTAL
SPI CLK select 160Mhz
MM BUS CLK select 160Mhz
XCLK select XTAL
irq handle: 3 reset ev
From the M0 console you are able to start the wifi manager and connect to a wifi network.
Building the Sample Applications¶
The documentation provided https://github.com/sipeed/M1s_BL808_example works well to get things going.
Building the D0 image:
cd ~/bl808/M1s_BL808_example/c906_app/
# Configure environment variables (Executed only once per working environment)
export BL_SDK_PATH=../M1s_BL808_SDK
# Compile the hello_world project
./build.sh hello_world
Building the M0 firmware:
cd ~/bl808/M1s_BL808_example/e907_app/
# Compile the firmware project
./build.sh firmware
You will supply BLDevCube three binaries
boot2 – This is bundled with the BLDevCube software
d0fw – This is in the build_out folder for the c906 app
firmware – This is in the build_out folder for the e907 app
Flashing the Firmware¶
Place the board in bootloader mode (these are the surface buttons not the side buttons):
Press and hold reset.
Press and hold boot.
Release reset.
Release boot.
Start BLDevCube and select BL808.
Select IOT and supply the values above.
Select /dev/ttyUSB1
Select Create and Download